Kitchen Helper (18 or older)
CIT (Counsellor in Training: ages 14 and 15) only eligible for Scampers, Squirts, and Hodgepodge camps
Counsellor (16 or older)
First-Aider (18 or older, must have a vaild First Aid certificate)
Camping Granny/Gramps (must be 50+) only needed at the Squirts, Jr Scampers, and Jr Hodgepodge camps
Please, contact us with any SPECIAL DIET CONCERNS so that we can make other arrangements. Please, do not bring any JUNK FOOD to camp.
We will make every effort to inform parents/guardians of medical concerns, but we will not delay seeking medical attention as needed.
I give permission to Camp Shagabec and its staff to provide First Aid and/or transport to medical services as deemed necessary by Camp Shagabec personal.
Note : Basic first aid supplies are kept at camp, you will have to provide all medicines for chronic conditions. Basic first aid for minor injuries will be provided as necessary. We will contact the parent/guardian if it is felt necessary.
Please make sure all the information is correct before submitting this application.