Camp Shagabec - Strong at 75
Camp Shagabec, located in the Cypress Hills is turning 75 years old this year, and the camp is doing very well. The camps are very popular, the campers are extremely happy, and the program is top notch. It continues to be one of the last remaining camps in Canada that is largely run and organized by volunteers, and the camps are nearly half the cost of other comparable summer camps.
The current focus of the camp is a capital campaign to build a new multi-function facility. This building is to replace the current: kitchen, dining hall, rec-hall, drama room, and craft room. The foundation of the current building (an old WWII army barracks) is deteriorating and collapsing.
They have had a number of donations come in over the last year, and due to a number of serendipitous events, they have been able to drop their required funds from $400 000 to $250 000 (a number of our initial estimates and quotes were considerably higher than actual cost). To date the camp has raised over $165 000, and they are hoping that in this last push of the capital campaign (concluding in August), that they will be able to raise at least another $50 000 to $90 000.
This is Camp Shagabec’s 75th Anniversary year, and they would like to hold a special anniversary event at camp later this summer that will include a “ground-breaking” ceremony. The hope is to be able to start building this new complex by the end of the summer.[1]
The Camp Shagabec Committee, are so excited about the progress made with this capital campaign and all the hard work done by countless individuals in so many communities. We have heard stories about: kids donating birthday money, bake sales, pancake breakfasts, concerts, dinner parties, and various other efforts made in honour of this project.
Their goal is within sight, and committee member, Katherine Fletcher says, "We have begun to shift our focus from viewing this as a “dream” to becoming “reality”. To all those who have helped us get to this point… a most humble and sincere, “Thank you!” That being said, there is still one final push to make, so let people in your communities know that if they are interested in helping us out, this would be the time to do it." For more info about the camp's anniversary and the fundraising campaign, visit:
[1] This does still depend on receiving final approval from the United Church, as well as park permits and final approval